Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolutions, resolutions...

For my 2013 New Year's resolution I decided to force myself to write every single day for a year. Three hundred and sixty five entries. That's quite a promise to uphold for a girl who never follows through with any resolution of the sort. But, I think it will better myself in some form or fashion. Worst comes to worst it will just cause me to develop my skill of writing, allow me to think, and...keep me off Instagram, maybe. I love to read and I've always had a knack for writing, so this might actually be a resolution worth following.What better way to make 2013 influential than to write and express myself daily. Only God knows what about, but the point is I will be enjoying myself. Without further or do, here's to 2013 and all the beautiful things it has in store. Cheers! 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I've been a miner for a heart of gold.

Thrift stores are my weakness. Being a college student, it is safe to say the money is far from rolling in. Between paychecks, I try to avoid American Eagle, and other overpriced mainstream stores. Thrift stores however, I cannot avoid. I think to myself, "I'm thrifting, and thrifting is cheap". Usually. Unless you hit a gold mine. Good Will was that very gold mine. Two hours, and twenty dollars later (yeah I know it's not much, but considering my budget was, well, $0 for shopping purposes this week, you get my drift) I came out with these beauties.

Mirror: $5 

Shoes: $4 each

Frame: $5
Tutorial to come! I'm making this into a jewelry holder.

Present from my boyfriend.
 Also found at a thrift store, $1 each. 
He sure knows the way to my heart, James Taylor and Neil Young.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Imagine all the people living life in peace.

Peace Newspaper/Word Search

Pictures and picture frames are my weakness. So I jumped on the opportunity to show a tutorial about different framed pictures! Not only is this tutorial embarrassingly easy, it's also extremely cheap. Frugal people like my boyfriend and I appreciate anything that involves thrift stores and savings. Without further or do, I present to you my first tutorial, the newspaper project.

-(Word search for second project)

Use the paper inside the frame as a cutting guide

Once you have cut out the rectangular piece, use paint or marker to create the design desired

Place into frame

I chose to use this idea as the centerpiece for my "wall of love". 

Now for the second project, and my favorite of the two

 Search for a desired word, I chose smile. 


 And presto! A cute framed piece of art.

Someone wasn't at all interested in my creation. Rather, chewing on my pillow and sleeping in my spot.

*Note that my titles from now on will be lyrics from fitting and inspirational songs. This lyric is brought to you by John Lennon in his song, Imagine. Have a great Wednesday :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Head Full of Doubt, Road full of Promise.

It's time for some blog renovation. It has come to my attention that my "blog" has become undeniably a bore. Therefore, it's time for a turn in the right direction. A turn to a road full of promises, despite my head full of doubts. It is my wish that motivation is the product of renovation.

I've alway been a creative person, more artistic than mathematical, emotional rather than logical, and a more feeling driven person than a being fueled by thought. So, going with my strengths I have decided to turn this commentary blog into a visionary blog. Pictures, projects and passion galore! Through passion I will achieve motivation, and this blog will benefit. And with pinterest, founding bloggers and some inspiration as my guides, I will go forth and CREATE :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

#4 Meet Bob Dylan..

Nineteen years old with a bucket list..
Normally this statement would have a number around 50 or above. Along with our weird eating habits, my siblings and I have never been traditional, so it's only fitting that I decide my dreams in life at the age of nineteen. Well..the dreams I have at this very moment..
Number four on my list is to meet on the most influential singer/songwriters...not of my time, Bob Dylan. This may come as a shock to people. It's 2011, and my favorite artist is man who could be my Grandfather. As my family would say, I was born in the wrong generation. 
Out of all my wishes, this particular wish seemed the farthest from coming true. Since his stop in Austin, Bob Dylan has not been to Texas, and very rarely the United States. I found myself looking at his tour dates for 2011.
Not to my surprise, nothing close in sight. Then, at the very end of the page, the word Winstar catches my eye.. 
Number four just got A LOT closer! 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Old hobby, New equipment.

"Photography, alone of the arts, seems perfected to serve the desire humans have for a moment - this very moment - to stay.”

My father gave me a very special birthday present, for a not so relevant 19th birthday. A Canon Rebel. With my "official" new piece of equipment, I decided to freshen up on my long lost hobby...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Unrespectful Education

As an English major, I value my english courses in college. The first experience, in Comp I, I had a teacher that used our paid class time to create unrelated power-points. She would enter class with a flustered red face, mumble some choice words then start her random project. "I class, am truly upset with each and every one of you!" What should have followed that statement was, "And here is a completely useless powerpoint about why". The power-points ranged from proper email edict to the Dallas Stars loosing. Now this seems pretty awful right?
WRONG!! My next english teacher made me want to go running back to crazy powerpoint lady.
Comp II. What our syllabus consists of..
-01/20:Write in journal about favorite job, read to class.
-01/22:Write in journal about worst job, read to class.
-01/24: Write in journal about how many jobs you've had, read to class.
This goes on and on.
The easy outline for the class is not what sent me over the edge. It was what she did next.
As we were shouting out bad qualities in jobs, a very lazy and "dim" student suggested unrespectful. As an english major, I laughed in my head and corrected him, disrespectful I said to myself. The teacher however, said "Very good, I've had a lot of unrespectful managers in my day. What a good suggestion." She continued to write it on the board, while I'm silently screaming DISRESPECTFUL DISRESPECTFUL DISRESPECTFUL!!
In conclusion, my hope for a proper education in english has perished. Guess I'll have to settle for a minimum wage job with all those unrespectful people...