Sunday, December 26, 2010

To delete, Or not to delete

Facebook: The epitome of drama.

      I created my facebook a little over a year ago, and it immediately overtook my obsession with myspace. It's not until I graduated high school that facebook started to irk me. People started posting their to do lists, and seemingly thought people cared to know there every move. Now, not everyone annoys me with their status', just the ones that solely post for attention. Since I've graduated, I've learned to, well, let things go, or  move on, I should say. However, facebook is making it really hard for me to fully move on from things. Thus, the thought arose! DELETE DELETE DELETE! I thought to myself, "I don't need facebook to let people know I have a life." Then the deal breaker comes into play...Grandma.
     My Grandma is my biggest fan in every aspect of my life, including facebook. Liking, posting, and commenting have became my new "up to date" Grandma's favorite things to do. So I balanced the pros and cons. And have come to the conclusion...HIDE! The beauty of the "hide" button. That alone saved the life of my facebook. From now on, the annoying status crazed people are hidden from my viewing eyes. And I'm left with the people who I care about. The people who's lives' I care to know about. Not people who I'm trying to forgive and forget. Bonus: No one's feelings get squashed by the severance of the facebook official friendship we share. Ultimately, everyone is happy...especially Grandma :)

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