Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Imagine all the people living life in peace.

Peace Newspaper/Word Search

Pictures and picture frames are my weakness. So I jumped on the opportunity to show a tutorial about different framed pictures! Not only is this tutorial embarrassingly easy, it's also extremely cheap. Frugal people like my boyfriend and I appreciate anything that involves thrift stores and savings. Without further or do, I present to you my first tutorial, the newspaper project.

-(Word search for second project)

Use the paper inside the frame as a cutting guide

Once you have cut out the rectangular piece, use paint or marker to create the design desired

Place into frame

I chose to use this idea as the centerpiece for my "wall of love". 

Now for the second project, and my favorite of the two

 Search for a desired word, I chose smile. 


 And presto! A cute framed piece of art.

Someone wasn't at all interested in my creation. Rather, chewing on my pillow and sleeping in my spot.

*Note that my titles from now on will be lyrics from fitting and inspirational songs. This lyric is brought to you by John Lennon in his song, Imagine. Have a great Wednesday :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Head Full of Doubt, Road full of Promise.

It's time for some blog renovation. It has come to my attention that my "blog" has become undeniably a bore. Therefore, it's time for a turn in the right direction. A turn to a road full of promises, despite my head full of doubts. It is my wish that motivation is the product of renovation.

I've alway been a creative person, more artistic than mathematical, emotional rather than logical, and a more feeling driven person than a being fueled by thought. So, going with my strengths I have decided to turn this commentary blog into a visionary blog. Pictures, projects and passion galore! Through passion I will achieve motivation, and this blog will benefit. And with pinterest, founding bloggers and some inspiration as my guides, I will go forth and CREATE :)